Inspirational Story of “The young Girl Bara’a- الطفلة براءة”

Latest news, June 26th, 2010

With great saddness and sorrow

the little girl Bara’a

has passed away.

We ask the Almighty God

to recieve her soul with

His Love and Mercy.

 “Surely We are belong to God and to Him we shall all return”

2:156 Quran


Inspirational Story of “Bara’a”

Bara’a is a 10 year old girl from Egypt and belong to small happy religious family. Both of her parents are doctors and have moved to Saudi Arabia for better opportunities. Bara’a is a very sweet and intelligent young girl and she succeeded, at this young age, to memorize the entire Quran along with its proper rules. Unfortunately, tragedy was in its way to change the course of life for this young girl.

One day her mother felt a lot of pain and after some medical tests she was diagnosed with a deadly form of cancer. Then her mother began to think about her young girl’s future and how she can tell “Bara’a” of the devastating news. How she would wake up one day without her mother besides her. Afterward the mother decided to tell her daughter and said:

“Mommy will soon be going to Heaven, ahead of you, sweet heart”

She emphasized to her that she should continue reciting the Holy Quran everyday which would protect her and keep her safe in this life.  At this time Bara’a could not fully comprehend what lays ahead. Soon after, she began to recognize the gravity of the matter when her mother’s health deteriorated and she was admitted to the hospital. Then Bara’a began going to visit her mother at the hospital every day after school and recite the holy Quran next to her mother’s bed until late in the afternoon. She keeps doing that until her father would come from work to pick her up.

One morning the hospital called the house and asked Bara’a’s father to come to the hospital immediately for his wife’s health has gone for the worse and she was near death. The father immediately took his daughter Bara’a and left for the hospital, but he did not inform his daughter what was going on with her mother. When they arrived at the hospital he thought to himself that he should leave his daughter in the car so that she would not be shocked of whatever is waiting to happen to her mother. Therefore he asked his daughter to stay in the car while he finds out more of her mother’s situation and he assured her he would be back in a few minutes. He stepped out of the car and his eyes are filled with tears; bewildered of the grim news of the fate of his wife. While he was walking away from his car Bara’a was watching him crossing then another tragedy hit; he was struck by an incoming bus and was killed immediately. She ran out of her car hysterically and threw herself at her father‘s dead body.

Bara’a’s tragic events do not end here. The hospital staff did not tell Bara’a’s sick mother, who was fighting for her life at the hospital, of the death of her husband which occurred on his way to see her. Five days after, Bara’s mother lost her battle with cancer and died leaving Bara’a alone in Saudia Arabia with no family members nor  relatives. She lost her mother and father in the same week.  Some friends and good people who were touched by the tragedy of Bara’a story attempted to help her to return to her grand parent family back in Egypt. While arrangements were under way to send Bara’a home, another tragedy came her way again but this time she was the target. She experienced a sudden pain and after some medical test sure enough she was diagnosed with same form of cancer which killed her mother. At this point, when Bara’a was told of her diagnosis of cancer she smiled and said: all praise be to Allah, at last, I will be seeing my Baba and Mama soon.

It is extraordinary to see this young child  welcome death and accept the decree of God which has befallen upon her.

Bara’s tragic story became known in Saudia Arabia then an anonymous Saudi Man, a good Samaritan, decided to send Bara’a to London for medical treatment. While Bara’a was being treated in the hospital in London she was interviewed by an  Egyptian TV station, called al-Hafiz TV. She was asked to recite verses from the holy Quran aired for a special program dedicated to Quran recitation. Her recitation was powerful and heavenly sweet and brought tears to the program anchor. I am certain it will bring tears to anyone who listens to her beautiful recitation (see link below).

The cancer has taken its toll on Bara’s health and she went through a lot of pain and suffering in the hospital. She was going into commas periodically. During these difficult times, another TV station interviewed her in the hospital and asked her to recite a song about the Mother and orphans. She made millions crying in the Arab world while she was singing .

Days past and she continues living at the mercy of the cancer which by now has spread to her legs which doctors decided to amputate in an attempt to limit the spread of her cancer. During these difficult times she has continued to go into comma periodically but when she is awake she begins to recite Quran to keep her spirit alive. Days passed, the cancer spread to her brain and doctors decided to perform brain surgery to remove the cancer cells. She is still in the hospital fighting for her life. So please remember her in your Du’a and May Allah the most High save her life.

Updates on Bara’a’s health

Feb, 15th,2010

اخر اخبار براءة
دعواتكم لها لانها تمر بمرحلة صعبة جدا
والعملية الاخيرة سببت لها الم كبير جدا

لاتنسوها بصالح دعائكم دعواتكم

Please intensify your Du’a because she is going through a very difficult time. Her last operation caused her great pain.

الحمد لله تعالى خرجت براءة اليوم منذ قليل من العناية بعد اجراء عملية هامة جدا دعواؤكم لها بالشفاء العاجل جزاكم الله ىخيرا جميعا واذكركم  لسماع صوتها التواصل مع

Praise be to God Almighty, Bara’a came out today from her extensive care after under gone an important operation. Please we ask for your Du’a for her speedy recovery and to remind you to hear her voice on radio;

ابو براءة

“All praise be to God, Bara’a is getting better. She is now under very extensive and important course of treatment. So please continue offering Du’a for her recovery. (source; abu Bara’a on Feb 12, 2010, see comment below)”

Please note: For Arabic speakings readers, for news updates regarding the health status of Bara’a there is an Arabic website dedicated to Bara’a:

And an Arabic Radio broadcasting called “Radio Bara’a” and can be linked at:

And you can email  your questions about Bara’a to:

or you can call: 0020183260290 for the latest news about Bara’a.

And for more updates read the comments below, for some comments convey fresh news about Bara’a

And for the English readers, I will try to post any updates periodically on this website.

You can listen to her recitation on the links below. com/watch? v=NnNS9ID9Ecw&feature=player_ embedded com/watch? v=gkIO02s6Ywg&feature=player_ embedded

Here is the English translation for the orphan song which was sung beautifully by this girl Bara’a. So before you listen the to the third link below you may want to read the lyrics of that song below .. com/watch? v=yD5S-jtxFls&feature=player_ embedded

O tear of the Orphan
O painful letters
My father has died,
so tell the merciful souls
O tear of the Orphan

O tear of the Orphan
O painful letters

My father has died,
so who is there for me,
to throw love around me

O tear of the Orphan

Tell them so that I may,
Get generous hands
Get generous hands
O tear of the Orphan
O painful letters
My father has died,
so tell the merciful souls
O tear of the Orphan
Tell them the story of the young,
Who have gone to bed without guardian,
O broken tears
O tear of the Orphan
O painful letters
My dear fathers;
the speech has frozen in the mouth
And we are left with an orphaned tears…
with an orphaned tears…
with an orphaned tears…
with an orphaned tears…


85 thoughts on “Inspirational Story of “The young Girl Bara’a- الطفلة براءة””

  1. Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh….
    brother/sister can you plz also inform me if you get any update on bara’ah….bcoz all that you posted happened almost a year ago as far as i know…

    JazakAllah Khair



  2. Asalamu alikom wr wb dear brothers and sisters.

    I am living In Briton, UK, but I don’t know the where abouts of Bara’a.
    Can any one let me know in which hospital she is, that I could meet her, once, only once.
    Please do email me,

    Jazakallah khair


  3. salam alakim
    please let me know if shes still in london am from saudi studing in london i would like to meet her please
    and any help she need ill be greatfull to offer.


    1. Dear maali farraj

      Yes she is still in one of London hospitals. But I was told by some close sources to Bara’a that doctors don not recommend any visitations due to her fragile health at this given time. But she needs your du’a.
      Jakaa Allah kair



  4. Dear slaveofallah4lyf

    Regarding Bara’a’s health update; she had gone through an operation on Dec 22, 2009 and now she is still going continiuos treatment in the hospital in satisfactory condition and she still needs your du’a. You can followup on her news through an Arabic website:

    It is also reported in that website that a British medical doctor, who is one member of the medical team of this girl, has accepted Islam at the hand of “Bara’a”



  5. asalamolaikum to all

    This story has shook me and made me cry so so much, please inform me of where this young girl is i want to see her. ???


    1. Walaikum asslam Fahad

      The latest news regarding Bara’a’s health; she had gone through an operation on Dec 22, 2009 and now she is still going continuous treatment in the hospital in satisfactory condition and she still needs your du’a. You can followup on her news through an Arabic website:

      It is also reported in that website that a British medical doctor, who is one member of the medical team of this girl, has accepted Islam at the hand of
      Unfortunately I do not know which hospital she is staying. But I know she somewhere in England.
      Any further info I will post it on my website.



  6. اخر اخبار براءة
    هى الان فى علاج مكثف جدا لكى تستطيع ان شاء الله الوقوف على قدميها
    رجاء الدعاء المكثف لها بالشفاء العاجل ان شاء الله تعالى


    1. Dear Abu Bara’a

      I am very grateful for your help in offering your email and telephone # to get updates for Bara’a health status. May God bless you for your efforts and most importantly we pray together to the lord of all creations to cure Bara’a and keep her as source of inspirations for all of us.

      عزيزي أبو براءة
      نشكر جهودك في تمكين القرّاء من متابعة أخبار براءة, سائلين العلي القدير ان يشفي براءة




  7. السلام عليكم ورحمة اللهوبركاته. أخبرونا بارك الله فيكم عن صحة الحبيبه براه ان امكن.جزاكم الله خير.


  8. الحمد لله هى فى تحسن مستمر
    دعواتكم الدائمة
    هى فى مرحلة مهمة من مراحل العلاج

    All praise be to God, Bara’a is getting better. She is now under very extensive and important course of treatment. So please continue offering Du’a for her recovery.


    1. جزاك اللة كل الخير ونشكر العلي القدير على رعايتة لبراءة
      وارجوا التواصل معنا بهذا الخصوص.



  9. May Almighty Allah bless her ,give her a better life.i came to know abt this thru a firends mail to me .am very touched by this story and her recitation is amazing .would like to get updates of her status ..i am not very good at arab so can anyone update me .my prayers are with her and inshallah she will get better.All muslims prayers with her.Tx for the updates


  10. All Praise for only ALL MIGHTY ALLAH. WHO created us and we have to go back to HIM. (AAMIN) It is my pray from ALL MIGHTY ALLAH that Please give her good health. I am a heart patient I have two kids one is son and other is daughter. I am looking her face in my daughter face. Please send me updates about her health INSHA ALLAH I will pray for her till my last breath.
    Her Uncle.
    TEL (RES) 24886935
    CELL: 965-66161143


  11. الحمد لله تعالى خرجت براءة اليوم منذ قليل من العناية بعد اجراء عملية هامة جدا دعواؤكم لها بالشفاء العاجل جزاكم الله ىخيرا جميعا واذكركم لسماع صوتها التواصل مع

    Praise be to God Almighty, Bara’a came out today from her extensive care after under gone an important operation. Please we ask for your Du’a for her speedy recovery and to remind you to hear her voice on radio;


  12. اخر اخبار براءة
    دعواتكم لها لانها تمر بمرحلة صعبة جدا
    والعملية الاخيرة سببت لها الم كبير جدا
    لاتنسوها بصالح دعائكم
    Latest news patent
    دعواتكم her because she is going through a very difficult
    And the last operation, which caused her great pain too
    For the welfare of Atnsoeha invocation


    1. نتمنى لبراءة بالشفاء العاجل يارب ياذالجلال والإكرام. ونرجوا أن تبلغونا كيف أحوالها الأن

      May Allah eases Bara’a’s pain and hardship and grant her health soon.



    1. الحمدلله على سلامة براءة وسوف تكون في دعاءنا دوما ونتمنى لها الشفاء التام بإذنه تعالى.وجزاكم الله خيراً على إبلاغنا أخبارها وأرجوا التواصل معنا بهذا الخصوص.



  13. Assalamu Alaikum to all
    May Allah bless this young child and grant her best health. Her story is absolutely touching. I just could not stop crying. MashaAllah her recitation is so beautiful.SubhanAllah!

    I would like to know is this child still undergoing surgery?


  14. نعم سيدى الطفلة براءة ما زالت تجرى عمليات فهى الان تستعد لاجراء عملية فى امعائها وتحتاج الى الدعاء والتمنيات بالشفاء العاجل ان شاء الله
    Yes sir, the girl child innocence is still going on operations, it is now preparing for an operation in the intestines and you need to prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery, God willing,


  15. جزاكم الله خيرا جميعا وبارك فيكم امين لمن يرغب فى التواصل مع براءة
    يوميا على الهواء مباشرة على راديو براءة
    على هذا الرابط
    راديو براءة
    برنامج محبى براءة
    السادسة بتوقيت القاهرة
    الرابعة بتوقيت لندن


  16. Please, please, how is Bara’a now? Does anyone know? I don’t know Arabic, so I can’t find out from the other website either.
    May Allah (s.w.t) let her enter Jannatul Firdous and make her a source of good deeds for her parents.


  17. I have seen many blogs and have don research on many but most of them lack of good substance but I would say that you are doing a great job and keep the good work on


  18. salam alikom,
    Can anyone please tell me where bara’a is? which hospital in the Uk? please make the dou’a for her. barak allah fikom.
    may allah protect her…


  19. السلام عليكم جميعا ورحمة الله وبركاته
    انقل لكم جميعا تحيات الغالية براءة حفظها الله
    وهى الان تستعد لعملية كبيرة تمثل عنق الزجاجة بالنسبة لبراءة
    هى تحتاج الى كل دعوة وكل سجدة من اجل وصولها ان شاء الله تعالى الى الشفاء االكامل
    وهى تشكركم جميعا على الاهتمام وتدعوا لكم بدوام الصحة والعافية
    I Convey to you all the greetings of precious bara’a, may God save her.
    And she is now heading for a major and critical operation. Hence, she is in need to your prayers and prostration to God Almighty to assist her during these difficult times.
    She thank you all for your attention care and wish you all good health.

    Abu Bara’a


    1. Assalamu alikumm all
      May ALMIGHTY bless Bara’a with heath -Ameen
      Can we have a weekly journal about her ?
      i think that webspace is not a problem!
      Hopefully this forum members do remember all of us in their prayers and good wishes.
      JazakALLAh- waqas


  20. وعليكم السلام الاخ أبو براءة

    جزاكم الله خيراً على متابعة أخبار براءة وندعوا جميعاً الى المولى عزّوجلّ أن يراعي ويحفظ براءة ويخفف من آلامها وأن يخرجها من هذه الشدة ان شاء الله



  21. I ask the most power to take the pain and suffering from our little sister. May Allah grant Bara’a what’s best for her in this world and the hereafter ameen.

    May Allah reward you for informing us Bara’a’s condition please continue to do so.


  22. Hi,
    Thanks for your concern about brarah. Hope God provides her wuth health and complete recovery isa.Can you provide me with anyonline contact directly with her as I’m abroad plz? I really need to talk to her personally.Thanks.


  23. Hi Lameya

    If you are an Arabic speaking person you can contact Bara’a through an Arabic website which I am not affiliated with: and perhaps you can send your suggestion directly to them.
    And you can email your questions about Bara’a to:
    or you can call: 0020183260290 for the latest news about Bara’a. These contacts info were provided by them in my comments section.
    Sorry, I do not have any personal direct contact to Bara’a.

    Thank you



  24. Assalamu Alaikum
    Praying hard for sweet Bara’a. May Allah Cure her illness, bring her Good Health. May Allah cure her as he cured Prophet Ayyub. Ameen
    Please keep us updated here.


  25. Looking around us in the World we came to, we recognise the the Beauty of Nature and Marvels of Allah’s creations but we very little realise the dreadful tragidies that happen around us. And you still say it is a mercy from Allah what happened to this Family.!!!???

    Would Allah the most mercyful and compasionate bring on the Girl and her family these horrible desasters infecting her Mother with canser and dying with her Father who is run down by a bus and killed within one week…….??

    Why blame Allah for this and not go simply to the Genes of the poor Girl and her mother which would lead their destiny to Die of Cancer….as for the poor Father he was under intense mental pressure he was not aware of the Bus. As some People said wrongly that the Asian Countries hit by the Tsunamy waves, were punished by Allah for their sins, which is not true we also could not say that this family that were so religious they taught their daughter to recite all the Holy Quraan were punished by Allah.
    After all this Health History of this tragic Family why did the Saudi Doctors decide to cut off the Poor Baraa’s Legs then open her brain…. were they practising on her as a guinipig….they should have left her to her quick fait instead of suffering tremendous agony poor little girl…!!!!!


  26. Asslamu Alikum

    May ALLAH ALMIGHTY bless her with health.
    Can someone updated me about Brar’a health.

    Thanks and kind Regards

    Lahore, Pakistan


  27. انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
    يأيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعى الى ربك راضية مرضية
    ماتت براءة
    ذهبت الى ربها
    هو ارحم بها من عباده
    دعائكم لها بالرحمة والمغفرة


  28. I am God and to Him we shall return
    Ioitha self reassuring Return to your Lord is satisfied with satisfactory
    Died baraa
    I went to the Lord
    Is the mercy of the slaves
    Your prayer for mercy and forgiveness


  29. Inna lillahi wainaa ilaihi raajioon .
    she will always be remembered in our hearts and prayers ..may almighty Allah bless her andmay she find happiness in Jannath .Ameen


  30. Inna lillahi wainaa ilaihi raajioon .
    she will always be remembered in our hearts and prayers ..may almighty Allah bless her andmay she find happiness in Jannath .Ameen


  31. brara’s has leave us but she will remain in our hearts.
    May Allah Almighty bless her happiness in Junnat.

    Adnan Hafeez


  32. Asalamu alikom wr wb my dear brothers and sisters.

    walahee, I can’t stop crying for this little sister that passed away. I have tried my best to visit her once, but failed to do so. There shouldn’t be any doubt in our minds and our hearts that she has returned to her lord, Allah, SWA, and has joined her parents in Jannah, inshallah. Ya Allah! we ask you to forgive her parents and her self and bestow upon them your jannah and shower your blessings on to them. we ask you to give us the energy and the dedication as you had given to this sister , in order to memorize your words, Kalaam, and restrain them in our minds and hearts so that we can be among your righteous servants, like our dear sister, Bara’h.
    My dear brothers and sisters, when I listened to her recitation for the first time, I could not stop crying for ages, and when I replayed it again, I just couldn’t control my self for the fact that Allah SWA has blessed this sister with Quran. I have made an oath with my self that if Allah gives me a chance to live and get married, inshallah, I will name my first daughter, Bara’a.
    I ask Allah SWA to forgive our sins and make us of those who base their daily affairs by Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet Mohammad SAW.
    Asalamu alikom Wr Wb


  33. Wa’alikum asssalm Br. Ahmad

    May Allah Subhanaho wata’ala bless you in the holy Month of Ramadan. Your words are very real and sincere and they are truly insprational. Your spirit has been tuched by the spirit of our beleoved “Bara’a” Keep her memory alive in your heart and may Allah grant your a rightiuos wife so that you can fulfill your promise that you made to yourself and that is “I have made an oath with my self that if Allah gives me a chance to live and get married, inshallah, I will name my first daughter, Bara’a”

    Ameen to all the prayers you invoked.

    Waminna Assalam



  34. Assalaamualaikum,
    O Bara’a you have left us at a young age, indeed you have left a wonderful example of how we should all deal with calamities.Nevertheless nothing but a word of good will come out from us….as Allah subhanallahu ta’ala reminds us in the Glorious Quran In Sura Al-Baqara, verses 155-157,
    Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and
    hunger; some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of
    your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently
    persevere. Who say when afflicted with calamity:
    “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhir raji-oon”
    “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”
    They are those on whom (descend) blessings from Allah
    and Mercy and they are the ones that receive guidance.
    Brothers & Sisters dont be sad the little Bara’a resembles a prophet in her Patience
    As Allah subhanallahu ta’ala reminds us:
    And (remember) Ayyub, when he cried to his Lord: “Verily, distress has seized me.and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.” Holy Qur’an ( Sura Al- Anbiyya 21: 83).
    O Allah join Bara’a with her parents, Muhammad (Sallallah alaihiwasallam) & prophet Ayyub (as) in Jannah. Ameen


  35. What I really want to know if this prodigy bara’a has a picture. can any one send me her picture may Allah bless you
    did she died surely?please answer me
    wasalamo 3likom wa ra7mato Allah wabarakatoho
    may Allah bless her and her parents


  36. salamo alikom
    baraa was a sign from Allah the Almighty to afflict and ewamin us. Eve if her parents died and she had noone there is always One whom we should not forget Who is the sustainer and the merciful : Allah
    Barra is an exaple of Meriem the mother of Issa PBUH when she was born all her tribe competed to know who should adopt and provide for her. Barra as we have seen all the people from different social status and countries hastened to provide her, this is what I said, a great example an examination from Allah to remember always that there is Allah who is reckoning us the dayof judgement about our brotherhood and sisterhood if we are real muslims or this present life take us and pushes us to remember our Dine our faith our muslims. Baraa was one example ofseveral Baraa’s, several children need our help, money, love, please do not stop your help with the death of Barra if Barra died our help must not die must not finsh, but we must say to our selves there is Allah who sustain us and sustain all the muslims and what we have is from Allah and to Allah that be aimed.
    Thank you
    if you have any suggestions send it to me
    MAAY Allah the Almighty the Merciful bless her soul and get her into His mercy and His Janna with the messenger and the prophets and tbe gooddoers
    amin wa salamo alikom


  37. i swear i am crying bitterly on this innocent child….but i console myslef that she is so happy now with her parents in Janna in shaa Allah…Almighty Allah the merciful surely will let her enter it and join all patient processors…i pray to Allah to have mercy on us all and honour us with the company of these..


  38. please ya muslims, pray for her and may ALLAH SWT bring her and er parents in the highest level of jennah. ya mulims, she is a sign from ALLAH SWT for us. sont let seitan in your life. pray,pray and pray. because that is the obly thing that gonna bring us to heaven and see ALLAH SWT. ya muslims, can you tel me if Bara’ah is still alive? salam alaykoum


  39. What can I say.. Subuhanalah…… Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioun….. our little daughter gone to Al Mighty but Alhamdu Lillah.. her fruitful voice is there in this space which should inspire each and every one us to be more closer to Qura’an, learn and memorize it. This little daughter will definitely live in our heart. We shall pray for her together and shall also pray Almighty to take us also to Jannath along with her and other blessed one. May Almighty shower his blessing on us to meet him with glittering face.. Abdul Rahman Abdul Azeez


  40. Subhanallah…!!! This story has really touched my heart and soul immensely that I am left in a puddle of tears from sadness about the calamities that struck poor little Barah’s life and yet happy because I believe that Allah (swt) will definitely grant her jannah….<3 This story has inspired me so much that it has made me realise how much I am slacking in my deen and how a 10 year old mash'ALLAH is ahead of me in deen, how I give very little importance to my deen in comparison to her. Even though allah (swt) gives us evrything we still don't appreciate it yet this girl lost everything she ever had and that was 'family'. We don't realise how important family is until we lose them..Barah was openly welcoming death because of her love for her family….and we would not even have the guts to do that. This establishes the fact that she is immensely strong in her imaan and we are not, which is really disappointing. I hope to be like this beautiful young soul she has really Inspired me…and made me want to become a much better person altogether in deen and life. This is what you call passing the test of this 'dunya' that we are in as it is finite…its only for a limited time unlike jannah which is infinite…everlasting..! May Allah (swt) help this amazing young girl Barah in every single way possible…may allah (swt) work miracles for Barah and do what he deems best for her and the whole of the muslim ummah…AMEEN….!!! ❤


  41. It is almighty’s decesion. an ultimate to all humanity in the world. pray & do good deeds for ever for everybody. I heard Bara’s recitation and feel that she is living by this voice amoung us. We can pray to God to shower his Mercy to all of us.


  42. La 7awla wa laa quwwata illa billah, Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji3uun!
    Verily to Allah we belong, and to Him is our final return!

    I heard of Baraa’ah at the beginning of this year by a dear sister of mine, and by then my sister Baraa’ah had already passed away, to take her dutiful place next to her parents in Jannah bi’idhnillah.<3

    But dear brothers and sisters, just because she has passed this world, does not mean we shall only shed a few tears and go on with our lives like nothing has happened. The story of Baraa'ah and her family is yet, but a reminder of the hereafter, and the importance of Sabr and how the Qur'aan is more than just Allah -swt's – words, No! The Qur'aan is a guide to live by, a friend when the rest have neglected you, a true friend in need. The Qur'aan are the direct words of our Lord and Creator. If you ever feel troubled, or depressed , or angry, or just down, by all means! Just open that book and let e true friend speak to you. A friend who shall guide you out of your miseries to a place filled with happiness.

    Dear brothers and sisters, let us all hold the story of Bara'ah close to our hearts as a reminder of all the petty things that we take for granted.

    Let us not cease on our du'aas for our young sister, and her family, and all of the muslims and believers living in misery all over the world. Bara'ah is but one of many stories.

    May Allah's peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad sallallahu 3alayhi wa sallam…

    Wa Jazaakumullahu khayr, wassalaamu 3alaykum wa ra7matollahi wa barakatouhu…


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